Industrial Inside Sales Services


Industrial Inside Sales Services

Industrial Inside Sales has taken their years of experience in the industrial market and developed Innovative Solutions which gives mechanical companies an edge on marketing services. With our present economic situation, businesses are concerned with maintenance of their current facilities and reducing overall operating costs. Some businesses are seeking new industrial builds, construction, and renovations of existing space. With that in mind, our clients have adopted a marketing strategy to reach new business prospects regarding their needs for maintenance.

Using the innovative solutions method to present your services is a great way to build rapport within specified industries. The innovative solution marketing strategy focuses on different ways to get your foot in the door.

Our primary marketing services include:

  • Commercial marketing and cold calling to your industrial prospect list.
  • Qualification of interested prospects based upon your specific criteria including square footage under air, current maintenance contracts, upcoming projects including new builds, expansion,renovation, and upcoming projected needs or budget.
  • Probing and qualifying questions will be developed to meet your specific needs and industry.
  • Lead generation services. We will report all interested and qualified prospects directly to you.
  • Appointment setting campaigns. We will set in person appointments for you and your sales team. 


Industrial Services

Industrial Company Services Infographics

We work with a wide variety of industrial companies to help them reach out to new commercial and industrial prospects for...Read more


Industrial Marketing Segments Inforgraphic

In our experience with industrial marketing services, we have discovered that promoting services through segmented ...Read more

Getting Started

Getting Started with Launching Your Campaign Infographics

We will help you increase your sales through appointment setting and cold calling. Getting started is a simple process...Read more


Our outbound calling campaigns include:

Scripting and program outline.
Contact list if based upon standard factors of SIC codes, number of employees, and geographical location.
Daily reporting with details of each cold call and related results as well as special lead report for each appointment set.

Tool Chest

Industrial Inside Sales Tools for Success Infographic

Having the right tools to gauge your marketing success is key to all telemarketing campaigns. In our tool chest, you will find...Read more


Principles of World Class Marketing Campaign Video

Our videos will provide a great overview about our marketing campaigns and can help you see a strong vision of how our more.


FAQ for a Contact List Criteria for Industrial Inside Sales Do you have questions? Please view our frequently asked questions page for direct and concise answers to those more.
